Student Feedback
Kat is deeply connected to her purpose - facilitating and teaching in a way that helps all people to build self-compassion, to nurture empathy for the greater community, and to connect to the present moment.
Some of the students who have enjoyed Kat's yoga, dance,
group discussion, and meditation sessions share their feedback here.
(Some feedback has been given noting Kat's former name, Ewa)

Kat singing at a retreat with Rev. Michael Beckwith
Feedback on Kat's Embodied Mindfulness Teaching
“Thank you for your offering. you provided a safe, comfortable space to explore. And your voice is so soothing, caring, an invitation to stillness, to hear our innermost thoughts."
“The thoughtful observations you share make sense and are delightful reminders to counteract the negative anxious voice that sometimes gets too loud in my head. The way that you express yourself makes me feel like I’m amongst my people--creative, thinking people!”
"Thank you so much for sharing one of your passions .This experience far outweighed anything my mind thought that it was going to be. I walked away with something I will not forget, and I can't wait to walk in again at another time and be able to connect."
- S.L.
"The dance really made my whole day. I really can't say thank you enough."
“Kat's guidance was warm and loving and I felt so good in her energetic hands. She is a masterful guide."
- T.D.
"Our community is blessed to have you and your incredible gifts”
"I loved the chanting and music. Something about it was extra soothing"
- M.L.