Breath, Body, & Sound
Learn the powerful practice of embodied mantra singing for the benefits of healing and mindfulness.
Explore how the practice of singing in English & Sanskrit can bring in sensations of embodied peace, and how it can help you to integrate the benefits of mindfulness into your entire being.
This program will:
introduce healing mantras that you can sing daily
open pathways of embodied relaxation & possibilities for finding a deeper sense of inner calm
This class can be taught as a standalone offering, or as a series where the practice can be built upon. ​
The purpose of this course is not focused on the quality of the sound of our voice, but to fully experience the healing sensation of music as it resonates in our bodies. However, Kat can answer questions related to technique throughout the course. Participants will be delighted to find that the experience of embodied singing may indeed result in improved quality of singing.
Singing can be incredibly healing for folks that deal with stress, anxiety, or PTSD. My approach in Breath, Body, and Sound is to lead mindful, embodied singing as a way to bring you gently back to your body, with awareness, breath, and carefully chosen mindful songs.
Learn more about this topic from trauma researchers:
Singing as a tool for self regulation
Internal vibration from singing as healing
Music therapy for trauma survivors
This class can be held in person, or over zoom. When this class is held via zoom, this program does not have the technical capability to have multiple voices heard simultaneously. This technical limitation means that all participants will be muted so that Kat can be heard. So if you have any concerns or hesitations about sharing your voice, do not fret! You will be the only one who can hear your voice in this experience!
Learn more about Kat here and on Instagram.
Absolutely no singing experience is necessary.
The only requirements for attending this course are an open heart, open mind, and a willingness to experiment with the benefits of embodied singing.
Experience embodied mindfulness with the practice of
mantra singing.